Monday, December 7, 2009

I'll always be your Wendy Darling.

I have many legitimate excuses for my blogging hiatus, but I see no point in listing them. Life is a little messy right now, and I have been throwing myself into meaningless chores and work to cope. And somehow, midst the shit and drama, I forgot about my poor blog.

My sincerest apologies, dear friend.

Since my last post, I hosted my Thanksgiving. The 23 lb. bird was a complete success, served with all of the trimmings. The menu was as follows: turkey, bread stuffing, red skin garlic mashed potatoes, green beans with bacon, garlic butter rolls, cranberry sauce, pumpkin cookies, spiced maple pecans, and apple pie.

The party was a hoot, and I think everyone enjoyed their evening. It is a night I'll never forget, and not just because I spent hours and hours over a stove.

Dress, Free People [I think?]; Apron, vintage; Boots, my old riding boots.

Post-Thanksgiving, and post-extreme house recovery, I have been focusing on work and school. There are, shockingly, only three days of classes left before finals. The semester’s last issue of the newspaper has been sent to the printers and should be arriving on Wednesday. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’ll be spending the majority, if not the entirety, of my holiday break back in my hometown this year. I’m packing the Jeep, bundling up Tortoise and heading out as soon as I turn in my last exam.

Despite my anticipation for going home, I do not think Tortoise is very excited for a car trip. Or to be staying in a house with cats.

Even though I will technically be home for Christmas, I still decorated my apartment with full force. My teeny space fits three trees, each of which I adore in a different way. The living room has an “apartment-sized” tree, featuring vintage and vintage-look-alike ornaments. The kitchen has a 2 ft. aluminum tree, covered in small antique Santas and gift tag decorations. And then there is my secret vice—my bedroom 4 ft. aluminum tree, which is covered in Hello Kitty. I keep it tucked away from the general area, since it clashes with the general décor (and since I am an adult with a fucking Hello Kitty tree.)

In between writing final essays and presentations today, which shouldn’t take too long since I am ahead of schedule as it is, I plan on cleaning the apartment again. I would like the place to be in perfect condition before I leave, so I am not greeted by a messy apartment upon my return. I will have to snap a few pictures.

I have also managed to finish my holiday shopping, and stay within budget. The wrapping is even complete. I suppose there isn’t anything that makes you more productive than having nothing to do.

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