Sunday, September 12, 2010

Triumphant return, or something.

Hello, Blogger! So much has changed since I last logged on! I'm no longer a sophomore at SWIC with a hamster living in the Metro East. I'm now a junior at SLU with a cat in St. Louis. I'm loving my new apartment, new school, and new pet (RIP, Tort) but have definitely found a few issues thus far.

Living in St. Louis is genuinely cheaper than Illinois except for one minor thing: groceries. The price difference from store to store and item to item is staggering, and has lead me to start shopping at multiple locations. I think I was spoiled by the ungodly cheap 24-hour Super Walmart in Collinsville. Thankfully, there is a Target/Schnucks/Walgreens intersection that makes my three-stop bargain hunting doable.

The stadium-like classrooms with 200 students and a mic'd professor are also a new concept. Weirdly enough, I also have classes with possible 11 others. It's a mind-boggling combination after two years of 35-ish per room.

And finally, it seems as though I missed the memo on what to wear to school. Maybe it's because I commute, or maybe it's because I think good skinny jeans are comfortable, but apparently there is a uniform. The very popular decorative hoodie + running shorts + flip flops + stretchy headband combination is so common, I'm sure I see 5 girls in it for every 1 who got dressed. I understand you want to be comfortable, I understand you probably live a few buildings down from class, I understand you might be hungover, I understand you're still half-asleep, and I understand that sometimes you just don't give a shit. But every day?!

College is meant to prepare us for the real world, yeah? Well here is the truth of it: before you leave the house, you should be wearing real-world appropriate clothing. You want to slack off and wear "loungewear"? Fine. I get it. But c'mon, not every single day. We're three weeks into classes and I'm starting to doubt some of you own pants.

The worst of it is I don't think it's just that ladies are wearing their pajamas out and about. I honestly think some people got up, showered, and decided this counted as an option Monday-Friday.

And so, to prove my point that wearing real clothing isn't so bad, I've prepared a little This-Or-That segment. For the price of your fancy workout clothing you could have a comfortable and appropriate outfit. It's just as easy to wear, it's just as easy to put together, and it will leave you with enough money for some lovely accessory (or three scrumptious espresso drinks, or a handful iPhone apps, as those seem to be more popular on campus as well.)

See? Not so hard.
Speaking of university, I should get back to my newspaper articles before Mad Men starts. But I'll be back on you, Blogger. I've been missing my rants and rambles on clothing and the like. And clearly I need more tools of procrastination.

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